Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow ,Silence and God!

I anticipated a wonderful weekend where I absolutely wanted to finish writing my cards and wrap some gifts. I thought I might be able to do a late night walk at the mall and sip a cup of coffee and maybe look for a handbag that I really do need. Hopefully, I thought maybe I could get a real deal on a good bag.

However, for the past two days I have been in my house due to a snow storm that has hit the Northeast. The only time I got out was on Saturday when I had to move my car when the plow man came and to attend the 4 pm mass at Saint Luke's. As I write the snow is still falling gently.

Although I was disappointed I could not go to the mall, I was able to write my cards and wrap some gifts. I also did so many other things that did my soul good! I made Christmas calls to most of my elderly relatives whom otherwise would get a card. They were thrilled to hear my voice and chat. I called some of my old work friends and supervisors that I have been thinking of and wanting to hear their voices (we laughed a lot about the old days). I had a chance to tidy up my desk in my Spirit Room and do my calender for 2009 . I relaxed with the Lord and prayed in silence as still as it was thanking God for all the blessings in my life especially this wonderful day to just 'be'. I listened to Christmas Carols and looked for a Pecan Breakfast Bread recipe that I will make tomorrow. Took a nice hot relaxing bath and manicured my nails. Needless to say it was a wonderful God weekend amidst the quiet and the purity of the falling snow. God was very present in all my activities. I could almost hear him say - slow down Paula - what's the rush? Let's enjoy one another! Indeed, how sweet it was!

I will not post another blog until after the new year. Hopefully, I will have some photos on the blog. I am also happy to say that my blog can also be accessed through a blog.

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! God Bless!